Term 4 Week 8: From the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff Development
On Wednesday night we gathered together for our annual Primary Christmas Celebration evening. This is a very special event in the College calendar and for our Primary community as it brings the joy of Christmas to families in song and praise. In the week ahead, students and staff will reflect on this time of year, the story of the nativity and the hope and joy the coming of Jesus brings to us today. Earlier this year while on pilgrimage I had the opportunity to visit the Church of Nativity in Jerusalem – Jesus’ birthplace. My memories of this remarkable birth site will make this Christmas all the more special for me. I extend my gratitude and prayer to all families in our community for their support and positive engagement over the year. I wish you a restful and joyful break and look forward to seeing you all in 2019.
Save the Dates: NPCC and Newman Parents Meetings 2019
The following meetings and presenters are taking place in 2019:
- Term 1 – Monday 18 February
- Term 2 – Monday 13 May
- Term 3 – Monday 5 August
- Term 4 – Monday 28 October
Newman Parents
- Term 1 – Monday 25 March – Dr Justin Coulson. Topic: Relationships
- Term 2 – Wednesday 12 June – Susan McLean. Topic: Cyber Safety
- Term 3 – Monday 16 September – Paul Dillon. Topic: Drugs and Alcohol
Further information on our presenters can be found below:
Dr Justin Coulson www.justincoulson.com
Susan McLean www.cybersafetysolutions.com.au
Paul Dillon http://darta.net.au/
More details for these events will follow in 2019.
Reports for students in PP-Y9 will be available on the SEQTA Engage Portal on Friday 7 December from 4.00pm.
Accessing Your Child’s Report
- Click here to access the portal.
- Enter your email address in the USER NAME field. Your password is the one you have previously created.
If you have forgotten your password, please follow the steps below:
Resetting Your Password:
- Click on ‘Forgot your Password’
- Enter your email address for BOTH your username and email address (ie: your username is your email address.
- Click on ‘Reset my Password’
- You will be emailed a link to reset your password
- NOTE: the reset link will only last one hour.