Year 7 Camp

The bus ride to and from the Swan Valley Adventure Centre was about a 30-40 minute ride. Everyone enjoyed the journey and were much anticipating about what we thought the activities will be like and what dorm we will be in. While on the way back from camp everyone was talking about what they enjoyed the most out of the activities and what their highlights were.

When we arrived, the sun was out and shining and it stayed like that for the whole camp. Hot conditions for running around and playing games, but perfect for activities where you get wet! A lot of people I talked to definitely enjoyed the wet and dirty activities because they said that for them it was really fun to get dirty and messy.

The activities were flying fox, bush craft, frisbee golf, commando course, scavenger hunt, canoeing, orienteering and catapult building. It was great to work with other people in your Guild and get to know people that you don’t necessarily hangout with at school. Overall the activities were great fun and I would definitely like to do them again.

The activities didn’t stop at night either. On the first night, we discussed in groups what it truly means to have ‘one wild and precious life’. We wrote a letter to our Year 12 selves and learned a lot about high school from the College Captains. The second night was movie night and we watched Night at The Museum 3.

At every breakfast, lunch and dinner, we would gather in the dining hall where we were treated to lots of delicious food, all in a mini buffet. Croissants, pasta, pancakes and cordial/juice, just to name a few of the delicious foods/drinks.
Our accommodation was very nice. The year was split up into six houses and inside were the dorms (the girls and boys were separate). The six houses were Wattle, Boronia, Lavender, Banksia, Myrtle and Grevillea. The dorms had a lot of space and the showers and toilets were nice and clean for us to use. By Lara Esler and Leo Mason