Artist in Residence Commences at the College
Our 2018 Arts Festival celebration kicked off this week with Artist in Residence Andy Quilty commencing his teaching residency at the college. His workshops exploring an experimental approach to drawing and art making were conducted with students in years 2, 10,and 11 at Marian and Marcellin campuses. Our Arts team of staff and staff from Bunbury Catholic College, also Marist educators, also participated in an inspiring professional learning opportunity workshop to experience Andy’s approach and drawing techniques that serve to inspire freedom within art making.
Andy will return to the college on Thursday August 30 to work with Year 5 and 6 Art extension students at Lavalla and collaborate with year 12 Visual Art students to create a wall mural using experimental art techniques. This mural will be inspired by the 2018 National Marist theme of “Hope”.
The year 12 collaborative Mural will be presented to the college community at the Art festival opening, along with a portrait of Marcellin Champagnat drawn by Andy Quilty, and commissioned by the college. Brother John and Brother Terry met with Andy to talk about Marcellin Champagnat, to share his life, his teachings and Marist spirituality with Andy, to inform the portraiture work and ensure the piece reflects the spiritual life of our Newman College community.
Join us at the Newman College Arts festival opening October 10th to celebrate a showcase of student artistic talent and on October 12th at the parent evening Art Soiree to enjoy the professional Jazz band, canapes and cocktails whilst immersed in the student’s art.
Andy Quilty’s art works will also be exhibited and auctioned during these Arts Festival events.