Newman News Term 1 Week 10: From the Vice Principal
Remote Teaching and Learning Plan Term 2 Weeks 1-4
The latest version of our Remote Teaching and Learning Plan that will support teachers, students and families for the commencement of Term 2 will be shared with families after Easter. The College Senior Leadership Team and teachers have been remarkable in their capacity to adjust quickly to teaching remotely. This professional learning week has given teachers the opportunity to test, interact and engage with a suite of tools and materials to understand how remote learning might look into Term 2. Thank you to those who participated in surveys; this feedback has informed our next steps and aspires to improve the learning experience for our students and teachers.
Our intention has always been to place students at the centre of our planning. We recognise the challenges shared by many families during this time. Our vision for our plan is to;
- Promote faith formation and wellbeing activities and experiences for students and their families.
- Prioritise student connection and sense of belonging to the College community and our Marist family.
- Establish sustainable routines for teachers, parents and students.
- Ensure the continuation of curriculum delivery by designing integrated, authentic learning experiences and offering timely, formative feedback to students.
To support student engagement on the Marcellin Campus, a Remote Learning Assessment Policy has been developed. This is especially important for students in Years 10-12 as they prepare for post schooling pathways and will be shared together with the Remote Teaching and Learning Plan.
Staff Professional Learning
I extend my sincere gratitude to all staff for the way they engaged wholeheartedly in a suite of activities, collaborative planning and resource development this week. This time has been critical in how teachers are placed to deliver remote learning in Term 2. Our College’s Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery has shaped how our teachers and education assistants have come together to accept the challenges before them, collaborate and create meaningful learning experiences for students.
Staff Wellbeing
During these complex and uncertain times, it is important to acknowledge that teachers are supporting and managing their own family arrangements as well as preparing lessons, being present for students and marking and providing feedback to students. All our teachers are now working from home to adhere to social distancing protocols. I thank you in advance for your understanding as teachers seek to establish good learning routines with their students and in some cases, for their own families and households. Teachers can be best contacted by parents via email and as per College communication protocols. We ask that a 48 hour reply window is respected.
School Holiday Parent Communication
Parents can expect communication from the College over the holidays which will serve to inform families and students for the commencement of Term 2 on Tuesday 28 April. Leaders of Wellbeing will communicate with families and students by Friday 24 April to ensure the students are ready for classes. Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to work towards a seamless return to remote learning for all staff, students and families.
Student Supervision Term 2
We are committed to adhering to social distancing guidelines and as such it is our preference, at this point, that families prepare to keep their children at home. A form will be circulated on Wednesday 22 April to help prepare adequate supervision for children of essential service employees who require it.
College Website – COVID Updates
The College website houses many resources to support families and students during this uncertain time. Leaders of Wellbeing across the College are also available to support students who may find remote learning difficult, are feeling isolated from their peers or are anxious about their return to the College. Please reach out to your child’s relevant Leader of Wellbeing for additional support during this unprecedented time.
Childsafe Framework
To support positive and appropriate engagement on remote learning platforms, the following expectations have been shared with staff, parents and students:
- Communication must be on school agreed platforms, take place at appropriate times and be limited to interactions only related to student learning.
- The Code of Conduct and Child Safe Framework applies for communication between all members of our community. Students and teachers can communicate via Direqt message, where formal and professional communication standards still apply. Teachers are not permitted to use unofficial platforms, such as Skype, to communicate with individual students or parents. This includes one-on-one telephone conversations with students.
- Online conferencing will be for groups not individuals. Online conferencing will be recorded for reference.
- As per the Code of Conduct, staff must report behaviour that is not in keeping within the Code to Vice Principal, Lisa Fogliani.
- Newman College recommends parents actively supervise all children, especially primary aged students whilst working online and establish boundaries to ensure responsible digital citizenship.
- Students must present themselves in communal family spaces and in a dress code appropriate to a classroom setting.