Newman News Term 2 Week 2: From the Vice Principal
COVID Update
I take this opportunity to affirm the resilience and perseverance teachers, support staff and students have demonstrated during the uncertainty of recent weeks. Our response to advice, information and to individual and community concerns has sought to support all people. If you are concerned about your family situation, you are welcome to contact me for additional clarity and counsel
If Students are Unwell
The College asks that students who are presenting with a fever, flu or cold like symptoms stay at home until their symptoms are clear. It is the responsibility of all families to ensure they support the wider College community.
Protective Measures
Staff and students have been briefed on personal hygiene protocols to ensure the highest standard of hygiene and care. These expectations have been explicitly taught to students and the College has secured hand sanitizer for every classroom and the entrance to classroom blocks and significant facilities. Teachers also carry sanitizer to distribute to their students. Cleaning supplies have also been distributed to teachers to ensure desks and surfaces are wiped down between classes.
The College cleaning contractors have been instructed to action antibacterial cleaning procedures and additional staff on site regularly clean high touch areas.
As per advice, primary playgrounds are cleaned with disinfectant following recess and lunch.
Other measures in place include, but are not limited to;
- Students not gathering in large groups (for example year groups or campus groups)
- Continued social distancing protocols in shared spaces
- Lockers are currently not being used to avoid congregating in small spaces
- Changerooms in Secondary are currently not being used.
- Excursions, camps and events are suspended until further notice
- Canteen, Uniform Shop are operating with specific protocols in place to reduce numbers
Parents and Visitors to the College
We thank all parents for their support by utilizing the kiss and ride processes in place to ensure adults aren’t gathering around the College.
College Events and Parent Engagement
We are preparing and planning to continue our commitment to engagement and College events. Our Easter Liturgy, ANZAC Day Assembly and Mothers Day Liturgy are examples of how we are aspiring to create shared experiences between the College and families during this unprecedented time. Please know we are working towards the creation of assemblies, parent information evenings and parent teacher interviews that foster collaboration, creativity and keep families informed and connected to the College.
Newman Parents – A Night with Justin Coulson
As we continually strive to engage remotely with our parent community, Justin Coulson will present his session Inside the Mind; Raising an emotionally intelligent Child via a live stream. Parent engagement and education is an important part of our commitment to being connected to parents, especially during these challenging times. I hope you can join us at 7.00pm on Wednesday 20 May. The link to the live stream will be sent to all families closer to the presentation.
Reporting and Assessment
Our remote learning plans for both Primary and Secondary, featured formative assessment as the dominate mode of assessment for learning and feedback. This has also ensured that teachers have gathered evidence of learning to inform our Semester 1 reports.
Semester 1 reports include learning attributes and a progress grade that is aligned to judging standards. The judging standards describe the standard of achievement students should attain by the end of the school year. More information regarding reporting and judging standards will be shared with families in the weeks ahead.
Year 11 and 12 Semester 1 Examinations are scheduled for Weeks 6 and 7 of this Term. The examination experience is important for students to practice their skills of time management, stamina and pace. More information will be shared with students by their respective Leaders of Wellbeing.
New and Returning Staff
We welcome back the following staff from long service leave:
Mrs Pauline Murphy (Pre Kindy, Marian Campus), Mr Tony Murphy (Science and Mathematics, Marcellin Campus) and Mrs Allison McCartan (Leader of Learning Diversity, K-12)
We welcome to our College community and Marist family Miss Cassandra Hall as Leader of Youth Ministry and Advocacy K-12 and Mrs Meeta Nurkunasegran who joins the Science Department on Marcellin Campus. Miss Hall replaces Mrs Clare Cole-Carter and Mrs Nurkunasegran replaces Mrs Janette Goodwin, who have both commenced their maternity leave.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.