Newman News Term 2 Week 2 – From the Vice Principal

Across the College this term, we marked the significance of ANZAC Day by gathering as a community to respectfully mark the occasion and acknowledge the sacrifice men and women made for others. I sincerely thank the staff and students who led these services. The reverence and behaviour of all students was nothing but exemplary and a true reflection of the spirit of the ANZAC’s.

I extend my welcome to returning and new staff members and families to the College community and our Marist family. The commitment, preparation and planning that all teachers undertake to ensure a smooth transition to each term is indicative of the calling of our vocation to holistically educate the young people in our care. Best wishes for the term ahead and all the experiences that it holds.

Welcome new staff

We welcome back, after a period of long service leave, Leader of Learning Literacy, Aaron Richard. We also welcome the following new staff to our Community.

  • Bridgeen McDermott, Education Assistant Diversity Education Years 7 – 12
  • Michelle Wells, Education Assistant Diversity Education Years 7 – 12
  • Davina Sankar, Year 4 Teacher
  • Katie Closey, Pre Primary Teacher

Code of Conduct

A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the Code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.

The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.

Child Protection and Safety

In addition to writing to the College community regarding our Code of Conduct, we feel it is also appropriate to communicate the processes, policies and frameworks the College applies to ensure our school is a safe place for all children and that our staff are informed, assessed and aware of their responsibilities to this commitment.

Staff adhere to the following principles as articulated in the Staff Code of Conduct:

  • Employees must always treat students with respect
  • Employees must always treat students in a consistent manner without inappropriate familiarity or spending excessive private time with a student
  • Employees must be very cautious when engaging in any social activity with students
  • Using any form of technology for contact of a personal nature with students is unacceptable. Any interaction with students via technology must be professional and directly related to the educational context. Employees must be aware that as role models for students they have broad responsibilities – even beyond the school bounds

These guidelines inform processes to ensure child safety is a priority, for example, teachers are directed to not be in a space with a student in a one to one ratio.

If you would like any further clarity or information regarding the professional standards expectations and obligations at Newman College, please call or email me so I can provide you with further support.

Professional Learning – Aboriginal Education Improvement Planning

On Monday 29 April, all teachers gathered for a professional learning experience that was facilitated by Catholic Education Western Australia to understand our commitment to improving education outcomes for aboriginal people and begin to consider the development of our Reconciliation Action Plan. The College, together with Catholic Education is committed to the Transforming Lives 2025 strategy and we look forward to sharing our RAP and Aboriginal Education Improvement Plan with our wider community in the months ahead.

College Calendar – Pupil Free Days

Please note the following dates as Pupil Free Days:

Term 3

Friday August 16 and Monday August 19

Term 4

Monday October 14 (Please note, all Year 10 students depart for Year 10 Camp on this day).