Newman News Term 2 Week 4: From the Director of Mission and Catholic Identity
Key Dates
College Calendar Link – In recent times, our school calendar has changed regularly.
Year 4 Holy Communion Retreat
On Thursday our Year 4 classes joined together for a retreat, led by 24:7 School Ministry to further their understanding of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, as they prepare to receive the sacrament in their parish later this year.

I really enjoyed the fun activities, especially the craft activity where on the back of pictures of grapes, we wrote a prayer to Jesus, things we are thankful for and learnt about the symbols of baptism. We joined these together to make a vine.
Finán Smith 4 Green
I really enjoyed the fun and entertaining games. My favourite game was playing musical bobs. I loved learning about the different Sacraments including Baptism, Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
Isla Wallace 4 Red
We wrote a message of thanks to Jesus, we learnt about the Eucharist and how you can always reconnect with God by receiving the Sacraments, praying and going to Mass. My favourite activity was making the grape vine, reminding us of all the gifts we get from God.
Flynn Murphy 4 Blue
LifeLink Launch in Secondary Schools
Representatives from all year groups at Newman College attended the online Launch of Lifelink on Thursday 19th May. This is the organisation we fundraise for in our Term 3 Walkathon. Students were able to hear firsthand the message of Archbishop Timothy Costello. In his address, we were called to know Jesus, precisely who he was and what he did. The Archbishop ascribed Jesus’ main message as one of being of service to others, this was the sole purpose that his life exhibited, even to his death, a service of sacrifice.
We were challenged in this and, secondly called to be life-giving, to live a life with dignity and generosity, through following and understanding the example of Jesus. The group then considered methods through which we can raise awareness of the causes that LifeLink supports and gathered ideas for fundraising for these causes.
We look forward to seeing the fruits of the understanding and collaborating this of this launch event.
Thursday Morning Community Mass
We warmly welcome the whole Newman College community to our weekly Mass on Thursday mornings. Mass commences at 8.10am and concludes at 8.40am in the Champagnat Chapel on the Marcellin Campus and is hosted by a Priest from a local parish. Please see the upcoming schedule below; we look forward to seeing you there soon.
Thursday 26 May; Fr Christian Irdi, Romero and Y6 Red
Thursday 2 June; Fr Hyginus Ebede, MacKillop and Y6 Green
Thursday 9 June; Fr Emmanuel-tv Dimobi, Marcellin and Y5 Red