Newman News Term 2 Week 4: From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome to another edition of Newman News!
Years 9 and 10 Singapore Immersion Trip
The recent Singapore Immersion trip was a great success, allowing our students and staff to further explore our pillars of challenge, collaborate, create and celebrate with Singapore Polytechnic School.
Thank you to the Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning PK-12, Beth Murphy, and teachers, Joel Kandiah, Kate McKnight, Adeline Hendriks who attended and created a memorable experience for our students.

Marist Association Marian Lecture
On Tuesday 16 May, fellow Marist communities across Oceania attended the annual Marian Lecture, “A revolution of Tenderness” with keynote by Dr Medi Volpe, a moral theologian and ethicist. The talk was held in the Marist Auditorium and online through a Zoom invitation. The discussion entailed “what is means to be a Christian in the 21st Century through being revolutionists of love and tenderness in living our daily lives”
Year 7 Camp
I had the opportunity to visit the Year 7 camp last week, which is another important moment in the students’ transition into Secondary School. The Year 7 students are to be commended for the positive way they stepped up to challenges presented on the camp. The vibe and excitement that emanated across every activity exemplified the way the students have come together as a strong group. As always, we are grateful to our staff for their great work in organising and running rich and rewarding learning experiences. Well done, Year 7 Team!

Mother’s Day Masses and Liturgy
Many thanks to those Mum’s, Grandmother’s and Guardians who were able to attend our celebration of Mother’s Day. These Mother’s Day moments are wonderful celebrations and an important opportunity for Newman to say thank you to mothers for their place in our lives. Thank you to all involved in making the day so enjoyable. I hope all the special women in our lives had a joyful day last Sunday.

Years 7-12 Principal’s Assembly
The Years 7-12 Principals Assembly was held Wednesday morning. The outstanding achievements of our award winners were formally recognised. In the assembly, I shared with the students a quote from Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhen and image from the Apollo space mission in 1968. The quote was inspired by photographs taken during the mission which showed humankind our Earth from a new perspective – a global village. “There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.” At Newman, we all play our role to be crew members in our part of this global village by holding to our Marist characteristics. The message of ‘character, commitment and connection’ was shared with our Secondary community as the means to being active crew members in this vibrant and supportive community.

Years 11-12 Connect Night
Connect Night involves Year 11 and 12 students from Newman, Northam and Bunbury who come together to operate in the gamechangers for discussion around faith-based formation and Ministry.

Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival
The Year 3 –6 Cross Country Carnival was held on Friday. We were very fortunate with the weather as it was a beautiful day. The students competed with great spirit, enthusiasm and sportsmanship and we saw many great achievements on the field.
Thank you to all staff members who organised the day. It was a great success!

Save the Date – Newman Parents Forum
Newman Parents Forum is scheduled for Monday 22 May at 6.00pm in the Learning Hub. The agenda is set for the meeting and includes discussions around Uniform Review and Alignment and College Events. We hope you can join us on Monday.
If you are unable to join us in person you may wish to join online, please click Here to access the link.
To access the agenda please click Here
Morning Tea with the Year 12s
It has been an absolute pleasure to meet with our Year 12s. The students are talkative and shared their thoughts and ideas over a supplied morning tea by the wonderful canteen staff. I look forward to meeting the rest of the cohort over the following weeks.
Events Ahead
Within the next few weeks, the events occurring include the Newman Parents Forum (NPF), Year 11 and 12 Semester 1 Exams, ACC Cross Country.
I wish our Senior School Students all the best as they prepare for their upcoming exams.
Every blessing for the weeks ahead.
Andrew Watson