Newman News Term 2 Week 6: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
Marcellin Campus has been somewhat quieter the last 2 weeks as our Year 11 and 12 students have been undertaking exams. These students continue to live out our Vision for Learning: Shine Through Discover and they challenge themselves to let their light shine through their academic endeavours.
We also have a lot to celebrate in relation to our ACC Cross Country, World Scholars Competition and the upcoming Lion King production. It is important that our students continue to collaborate with peers and teachers to create an learning community at Newman College that strives for excellence and commit to high expectations in relation to our study, uniform and grooming and participating in College life.
We look forward to our Year 12 students returning in Week 7 and pray for our Year 10 students who will enter their first round of exams in Week 8.
Year 10 Students (Subject Selection for Y11, 2024)
If your child is currently in Year 10, they will have been exploring the offerings of subjects for Year 11, 2024. This is an important process for Year 10 students as it has significant implications for their studies in Year 11 and 12, and for post-school destinations.
Please click HERE to access details outlining the program along with a timeline.
Please click HERE to access the Y10 Subject Selection Research Booklet
Year 10 – Semester 1 Examinations – Click HERE for the timetable
- Illness
In the event of illness on the day of an exam, parents are required to notify the College prior to the commencement of the exam and promptly provide a medical certificate via for the day of the missed examination. Once a medical certificate has been received a time for the student to complete the exam as a formative exercise will be arranged. The student is required to genuinely attempt the task as their performance will be used to validate a standardised score.
- Positive for COVID-19
In the event that a student tests positive for COVID-19, guardians must register a positive rapid antigen test result with the WA Department of Health Here and forward the received confirmation notification to Upon receival this will be an approved absence and the calculation of standardised scores for assessments missed during approved periods of illness will be given.
Year 10 Immunisations -Tuesday 6 June
Year 10 students will be receiving their Meningococcal ACWY immunisation on Tuesday 6 June only if consent has been given. Students are permitted to wear their Guild uniform.
Consent for your student to receive this immunisation must be given via a new online program VaccinateWA.
Already registered: – your child will receive the immunisation on Tuesday 6 June.
Not yet registered: – please click HERE for online registration.
If you are unable to register online, please use this attached FORM and ask your child to bring it on Tuesday 6 June.
If you have any queries, please contact;
Carolyn Cairns or Neha Nagpal
CAHS – Community Health
Clinical Nurse – School Based Immunisation Program
16 Rheola Street, West Perth, 6005 |
M: 0405 657 994 t: 08 9321 1312
Carolyn Cairns or Neha Nagpal
Year 11 Dinner Dance
Year 11 students to be invited to attend the Year 11 Dinner Dance. This event will be held on Wednesday 26 July at Ambrose Estate, Wembley Golf Course, from 6.00pm to 9.30pm. This is a semi-formal event with a cocktail dress code and menu.
Please click HERE for further details
Year 11 Wellbeing Day – Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman
Our Year 11 students will be participating in a Wellbeing Day on Thursday 15 June. This day will provide our Year 11 students with the opportunity to focus on their physical, emotional, and social wellbeing: elements which are known to improve academic achievement.
On this day, we will have external presenters from Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman at the College who will be working with our students in small groups for a two-hour session.
Our boys will be participating in a session titled ‘Breaking the Man Code’ in which they will explore the impact of rigid masculine gender stereotypes and expectations. This workshop run solely by the external providers will work to equip our Year 11 boys with a variety of tools and skills to build stronger connections between one another, their peers and those that they care about. Further information can be found by clicking on this link:
Our girls will participate in a session titled ‘Her Code’ which aims to unpack the history, expectations and facts of modern-day womanhood. The purpose of this session is to provide participants with strengthened resilience, self-confidence, and a greater connectedness to their peer group. Further information about ‘Her Code’ can be found by accessing this link:
Students will also participate in a wellbeing activity prepared by our College Psychologists and a physical activity facilitated by our Health and Physical Education Department. We will conclude the day with a liturgy in our Champagnat Chapel.
Our expectation is that students attend on this day as it is a compulsory event. If students are engaged in work placement on this day, they have been strongly encouraged to attend on a different day in Week 8 so as many students as possible can participate in this opportunity to create a stronger sense of cohesion within our cohort.
If you have any questions about this Wellbeing Day, please feel free to contact me.