Newman News Term 2 Week 8: From the Vice Principal
Welcome to Week 8. This weekend the Gospel teaches about the importance of compassion and action, for healing and our journey to wholeness. When Jesus sees that people are worried, lost, upset or feeling low, he sends his disciples out to share the message of love and support. This action of support helps to move people who are struggling, towards healing, and wholeness. In our faith, the call to holiness means that we wish to become more whole in our minds, emotions, spirit and body. The Marist characteristics of presence and family spirit underpin this very message. Humans operate best in relationships where we can be ourselves; acceptance of self and the other, allows for the call or the journey to holiness, to be realised. We are a social species who have an innate capacity for collaboration; we are wired to be in community with each other, to spend time together and to assist each other when needed.
Our teachers across Primary and Secondary are working towards the completion of our Semester Reports as we move towards the end of term. Our Year 10 to 12 students have completed their Semester One examinations and have settled back into classes over the last couple of weeks. Our Primary build commenced this week with site works, and students at Lavalla are excited to see the developments from behind the fence.
This Sunday, Newman College will be hosting the National Marist Netball Carnival and we will be welcoming students, parents and staff from 13 Marist schools across the country. It has been a massive undertaking and we look forward to the wonderful sporting competition and connection and collaboration with our sibling schools. At the heart of these carnivals is the sense of family spirit that transcends our interstate borders. Many students forge friendships with those from other schools that they maintain and nurture into the future.
Yesterday was opening night for our Year 3 to 9 Production, The Lion King Jnr. Both students and staff have worked together tirelessly to bring this magnificent display of performing arts to life. I personally look forward to seeing the show tonight and would like to commend all those involved. A production of this nature is a wonderful celebration of the collaboration and creation within our student and staff body.
Champagnat Day/Commissioning of Principal, Mr Andrew Watson
Monday 6 June marked the Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers and of Marist Education. The Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat is an opportunity to celebrate with the 54 Marist schools across Australia and throughout the world to give thanks, and to celebrate our shared Marist identity.
Our K-12 College community will celebrate Champagnat Day on Friday 23 June with Mass followed by annual Fete Day activities. Attendance on this day is compulsory for all students.
Please use the following link to access –Information and schedule of events
Lavalla School Entry
You may have noticed that in the past few weeks, some blue fencing has gone up at the front of the Lavalla Campus to further define the upcoming construction area of the new primary build. As works commence in the coming weeks, the access to the school via the walkway/path outside the Year 3 classrooms will need to be closed off. When this occurs, entry into the school for parents and students that normally use this path will be through the path that goes past the office building and back of the library, through to the playground equipment. Please see green arrows on the map below. Your flexibility is appreciated as the primary build begins.
Year 11 Retreat
In Week 10 Term Two, Thursday 29 and Friday 30 June, students in Year 11 will be attending a Retreat organised by the College and facilitated by Youth Mission Team Australia. The Retreat, run over two days, is compulsory and is part of our Religious Education and Faith Development program. Please use the following link to access detailed information. Year 11 retreat information
Academic Reports will be live on SEQTA on the following days:
- Friday 23 June at 4.00pm for Years 11-12
- Tuesday 27 June at 4.00pm for Year 10
- Wednesday 28 June at 4.00pm for Kindergarten – Year 6
- Friday 30 June at 4.00pm for Years 7-9
Please ensure you have accessed SEQTA prior to the above dates, otherwise you will not be able to view and download the reports. We also encourage parents to download a copy of all available reports from SEQTA.
Should you require any assistance with SEQTA access, please contact Flora Hughes via email
PK-12 Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 18 July
PK-12 Parent Teacher Interviews will take place in Term 3 on Tuesday 18 July and will run to the following schedule. The schedule offers great flexibility to families, both online and face to face meetings are available. Parents will receive details regarding how to book individual interviews via Parent Teacher Online (PTO) next week.
Interview Schedule
9.00am – 10.15am Online via Teams
10.15am – 10.30am Staff Break
10.15am – 11.45am Online via Teams
11.45am – 12.45am Staff Lunch Break
12.45pm – 3.00 pm In Person (Face to Face)
- Primary in Allocated Classroom
- Secondary in Auditorium
3.00pm – 3.15pm Staff Break
3.15pm – 5.30pm In Person (Face to Face)
- Primary in Allocated Classroom
- Secondary in Auditorium
Uniform Review and Alignment Committee
Thank you to those parents and staff who submitted their expression of interest to be a part of this committee. Committee members have now been finalised and notified by email. Members have been selected to give our PK-12 community the best representation across all year levels. Uniform updates will be provided through our Newman Parents Forum and the Newsletter.
Newman Parents Forum
Our next NPF meeting is on Monday 21 August. We encourage parent participation and look forward to seeing you then.
OLNA Preparation Holiday Program – Run by WACE Plus Education
The OLNA is an online literacy and numeracy assessment. It is designed to enable students to successfully meet the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) requirement of demonstrating the minimum standard of literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy.
Students who have not achieved Band 8 or higher in any of the three components of reading, writing and numeracy in their Year 9 NAPLAN are acknowledged as having not demonstrated the necessary skills in that component and will be required to sit the OLNA test. The OLNA Preparation Program consists of 6 hours of teaching per unit broken up into 2 hours a day for three days. Students will be made familiar with the test structure and taught strategies on how to successfully complete each of the tests. They will also be able to practise OLNA
Please click HERE to access further information