Newman News Term 3 Week 6: From the Vice Principal
Our Vision for Learning challenges our young people to strive for individual and collective excellence. It has been wonderful to see staff and students come together to learn and celebrate the events of Wellbeing Week and Science Week. Our Marist family spirit has been exemplified in the way our students from Marcellin Campus have supported and guided our students on the Marian and Lavalla Campuses. I extend my thanks to the Year 12 student leaders, the staff and teachers who planned and prepared the collaborative learning activities which have allowed our students to come together. A joy to witness and be part of! Well done.
Newman Parents 2021 Planning
Thank you to all parents who joined us for our Newman Parents event with Digital Nutritionist Jocelyn Brewer, on Wednesday evening. For those who missed the presentation, a link will be emailed to all families of the recorded presentation.
Newman Parents is a once a term event aimed to provide our parent community with education, collaboration and insight into the concerns and trend impacting on our young people.
I invite all parents to email me or with ideas and topics to be explored in 2021. The Newman Parents Consultative Committee will meet in Term 4 to plan the topics for next year.
Learning Hub Update
The Learning Hub works are progressing well and is on track to open in 2021. The roof between the existing C block and W block is nearing completion. The grand and internal staircases have been completed. The builders have commenced painting and finishing the internal classrooms and will soon commence the internal fit out of the library and open learning areas once the Hub roof is watertight. The furniture schedule has been approved and we are in the final stages of the tender process. The audio, visual and technology provision has been completed and orders placed.
I extend my thanks to all staff and students for their patience as they navigate the changes on the Marcellin Campus. I am continually impressed with the creativity and resilience of our community during this time of disruption. Thank you!
Save the Date – Year 7 2021 Parent Information Evening
We look forward to welcoming our Year 7 2021 Parents to an Information Evening on Wednesday 23 September at 6.30pm in the Champagnat Chapel. We will share important information regarding transition to Secondary School, Orientation Day and our Bring Your Own Dedicated Device (BYODD) program. More information will follow in the weeks ahead.
Covid-19 Update
With the delay of moving to Phase 5 restrictions by the State Government, the following protocols will remain in place until 24 October.
Assemblies and College Community Events
Whole school and campus assemblies are limited to ensure student numbers don’t exceed the 2m2 rule. Adult visitors and staff should maintain physical distancing where possible.The College will continue to enforce the 2m2 rule per adult for indoor spaces. All official visitors as per College guidelines are required to sign in.
Student Attendance
Student attendance at school is compulsory, except for those who are recognised as medically vulnerable or who have medically vulnerable family members. If you are concerned about your own family situation, please contact Lisa Fogliani, Vice Principal for additional clarity and advice.
Physical Distancing
The Government has stressed the importance of Western Australians to continue to keep up physical distancing where possible and to maintain good personal hygiene to better protect ourselves and the general health of the community.
In addition, students will be continually and explicitly taught the importance of handwashing, physical distancing and observing personal hygiene to a high standard (as developmentally appropriate).
If Students are Unwell
We ask that students who are presenting with a fever or flu like symptoms stay at home until their symptoms are clear. It is the responsibility of all families to ensure they support the wider College community.
Our Commitment to Child Safety
The College is committed to providing an environment that is safe for all children. We actively work towards and promote the principles of the Catholic Education’s Child Safe Framework. The framework upholds a child safe culture, healthy and respectful relationships, and extended guardianship in school communities, based on the latest research and recognised best practices. At times, we rely on partnership with parents to ensure all members of our community are safe, supported and cared for. Thank you to community members that have positively and openly supported this intent. If you are concerned about a child, please communicate with Campus Leaders, Leaders of Wellbeing or any member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.