Newman News Term 4 Week 6 2020: From the Vice Principal

The Importance and Impact of Social Education

Our Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery, values and promotes collaboration, as central to the learning experience of young people and how to aspire to partner with parents.
We believe that students learn best in an environment where they can interact with and experience the curriculum, therefore gaining knowledge and learning how to collaborate. This has been showcased by our commitment to Outdoor Education, the Arts and events that celebrate each year group and each student; from Year 6 Camp to the Year 11 Dinner Dance. Thank you to all staff who promote learning environments that celebrate each student and promote teamwork and cooperation.

End of Year Reporting

Australian Curriculum judging standards will be used to discern the end of year grade of student reports across the College. It is important to acknowledge the variety of inputs that are taken into consideration when reporting on each learning area. These inputs include, but are not limited to, formative and summative assessment, observations and running records. Learning attributes provide families and students with an insight into how students apply themselves to their learning and the classroom environment. Thank you to all teachers for their preparation, professionalism and attention to accurate and meaningful reporting as a critical element of our Learning Cycle.

Responsible Digital Citizenship

I encourage all families to discuss with their children the importance of ensuring all online behaviour is respectful, considerate and thoughtful. Leaders of Wellbeing have been supporting students and families who have been the target of inappropriate posts on social media.  The eSafety Commissioner website is an excellent resource for families and young people, designed to assist in establishing positive online habits. Our College Counsellors and Leaders of Wellbeing can also provide guidance, support and advice.

Leaders of Wellbeing – Marcellin Campus 2021

The 2021 Leaders of Wellbeing will be lead by Mrs Carla Pastorelli, who has been appointed to the role of Deputy Principal Secondary in 2021. Mrs Pastorelli has been a member of the Middle Leadership Team at Newman College for two years. This year she guided and supported the Year 12 cohort and their families in the role of Leader of Wellbeing.

Together with the Ministry Team, the Counselling and Wellbeing Team, Guild Coordinators, Learning Diversity and the Pathways Team, our collective commitment is to provide holistic care and support for students and families and aspire to meet the individual needs of the young people in our care.

We are pleased to confirm the following Leaders of Wellbeing in 2021:

Year 7: Miss Kelly Johnson
Year 8: Mr Jordan Naylor (joining us from Chisholm Catholic College)
Year 9: Miss Regan Dyer (joining us from Mandurah Catholic College)
Year 10: Miss Gemma Beekink
Year 11: Mrs Yvette Pearce (joining us from Corpus Christi College)
Year 12: Mrs Rebecca Bramanto

2021 Term Dates and Pupil Free Days

Please note the 2021 Term Dates and Pupil Free Days were published in Newman News Term 4 Week 4 2020. Please click here to view these important dates.

Christmas Craft Stall

The students from Education Support will hold a number of opportunities for staff, students and families to purchase their Christmas crafts.

  • Monday 30 November: 9.30am – 12.30pm at Floreat Forum
  • Friday 4 December: 8.15am (before school) at Marian Campus
  • Friday 4 December: 12.55pm (lunch) at Marcellin Campus in A31

Find the price list attached here.

Our Commitment To Child Safety

All members of the College community share responsibility for and actively promote an environment that prioritises the best interests of children and young people.

“What might this look like at Newman College?”

  • Teachers and staff recognise a child and young adult’s right to a safe, engaging, and supportive environment.
  • Child safety is a responsibility shared by everyone at the College.
  • Standardised, quality training is provided to understand the indicators of child maltreatment, e.g. Child Protection Policy and Mandatory Reporting training.
  • Child safe policies and practices are in place to ensure that unsafe behaviour is recognised and reported.
  • There is a culture where children and young adults can raise concerns without worry.
  • Parents are treated as partners in child safety and have access to information and support on all aspects of child safety.
  • Staff actively seek to identify and eliminate racism and discrimination.
  • Staff feel confident to identify and present concerns about child safety activities and practices.
  • Teachers and staff are alert and aware about how others treat children and young people.

Code Of Conduct

A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers, and volunteers.

The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries.  Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct.  Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.

Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team.  We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.