Term 4 Week 6: From The Deputy Principal, Mission and Catholic Identity

We educate above all through being present to young people in ways that show we care for them personally. We make time for them beyond merely professional contacts, getting to know each one individually. Personally and together as a group we seek to establish relationships with them, founded on love, which create a climate for learning and an educational setting, for passing on values, and for personal growth’.
(Article 99 – In the Footsteps of St Marcellin Champagnat)

The ideals shared across the 83 countries around the world in which Marist education in the tradition of Saint Marcellin Champagnat is present, are reflected in the extract above from In the Footsteps of St Marcellin Champagnat. At Newman College, we seek to be a vibrant, local expression of these ideals in our commitment to developing each young person in our care in a holistic way that seeks to invite each to reach the fullness of life socially, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically. We do this as an intentional community of faith and learning in which we are unified by our shared appreciation for the place of our Catholic faith and its unique Marist expression. It is within this climate of learning that we seek to establish a nurturing educational setting in which our values may become sign-posts to grow and support each member of our community.


Year 11 Philippines Immersion

On Thursday 22 November, our Year 11 Philippines Immersion group will be commissioned at our Thursday Morning Mass.

On Friday 23 November, 14 Year 11 students from Newman College, will be joined by two Year 11 students from St Joseph’s School, Northam, to begin their two week Immersion in the Philippines accompanied by Miss Clare Cole, Leader of Youth Ministry & Advocacy, Mrs Rebecca Bramanto, Leader of Wellbeing Year 11 and Mr Daniel Lynch, Deputy Principal Mission & Catholic Identity.

The students attending are:

Elizabeth Adams, Jack Burgess, Courtney Beveridge, Kiara Camisa-Cason, Matthew Giumelli, Clare Hogg, James Kerr, Stephen Loreck, Rayne McGowan (St Joseph’s, Northam), Benjamin Miniello, Alannah Peou, Megan Pethick, Cole Stevenson, Emily Tang, Anthea Todman and Jeklyn Wallis (St Joseph’s, Northam).

We congratulate our 2018 Year 11 Philippines immersion group on taking this next step in their journey following their six month formation and preparation process.

Newman Mothers In Prayer: An Open Opportunity for all our Mums

‘Mums in Prayer’ (MiPs) is coming to a kitchen table near you …

We have a newly formed triplet of Newman mums who meet around their kitchen table for 1 hour, once a fortnight to pray for their children, their children’s friends, teachers and our wider school community. They are looking for other like-minded Mums who would enjoy praying together in a relaxed environment over coffee (and sometimes cake!). This is a multi-denominational group of women who desire to actively invite God’s guidance, favour and protection into daily life. If you are interested in the spiritual growth of your children and their peers, or would like to investigate what this looks like, the next date is set for Wednesday 28 November, 9.00-10.00am (this is the last meeting for the year).

For further details and the address of ‘the kitchen table’ please contact:

  • Lisa Gleeson (mother of Daniel, Year 7) – lisajanegleeson@gmail.com
  • Vanessa Strohmeier (Principal’s Support Team) – vanessa.strohmeier@newman.wa.edu.au

Weekly Thursday Morning Community Mass (Champagnat Chapel – 8.10am – 8.35am)

All parents, guardians and families across our PK-12 College are invited to attend the weekly Thursday morning Mass celebrated by Fr Joseph Tran and Fr Mark Baumgarten. Our weekly Newman College Community Mass is an important way that we as a Catholic community seek to nourish and live-out our faith in community with one another.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

The St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal is in full swing! Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. In aid of the appeal, the 2019 Social Justice Captains along with the Faith and Liturgy Captains met with Fred Simons from the Doubleview St Vincent de Paul Conference to learn about their work and the direct impact that the donations have for families in need this Christmas Season. Parents are encouraged to watch the following video with their children to learn more and discuss the work of St Vincent de Paul. The Christmas appeal at the College will continue until Friday 30 November on the Marian and Lavalla Campuses and Friday 7 December for the Marcellin Campus.


24:7 Floreat Youth Group

A message from the 24/7 Floreat Youth Group Leaders, Angela and Sebastian:
“What a night we had at Floreat last week! Experiencing everything from the Irish fiddle to classical cello, from tap dancing to lip syncing. The 24:7 Floreat’s very first talent show was spectacular! Thank you so much to all the wonderful people that came and made it such a good night. This week, the story of our Old School Heroes continues with games and activities that will keep you on your toes. So come along and bring your friends to win a prize! We meet each Sunday night (6.00pm – 8.00pm) in the Parish Hall at St Cecilia’s, Floreat. The Youth Group is open to all young people in Years 6-12.” Call Angela 0455 960 174 or Sebastian 0403 230 395 for more information.

Catholic Mission visit to Newman College

Catholic Mission Schools Engagement Coordinator, Judith Nyamuli, visited Newman College on Thursday 8 November to thank the students who attended the Anti-Poverty Mass and share other ideas of how young people can support the work of the Church. The students also had an opportunity to ask Judith questions about the work of Catholic Mission. We thank Judith for taking the time to come and speak to the students.

The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry

The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM) is a non-profit organisation, of the Archdiocese of Perth founded in 1975 to meet the spiritual needs of Aboriginal people within the Perth metro and surrounding areas. The ACM promote the spiritual, cultural and social development of people of Aboriginal descent. There latest newsletter can be found here.


Catholic Mission Christmas Concert; In Word and Music

Catholic Mission invites staff, students and their families to attend the annual Christmas Concert on Thursday 6 December at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle from 7.00pm – 8.15pm. A Vulnerable Girl Flyer
Tickets are; Adult $30, Concession $20, 12 years and under are FREE. Tickets can be purchased here.

Catholic Mission are inviting concert goers to consider taking a refugee or single mum along with them. If this is something that they would like to do, as an opportunity for encounter and engagement with someone on the margins in the season of Christmas, they can contact Francis Leong who will make the necessary arrangements for this to happen through the Red Cross and Pregnancy Assistance.


World Day of the Poor

The World Day of the Poor will be held on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, this year on 18 November 2018. In his message for the second World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis has called for a new evangelisation that prompts Catholics “to make tangible the Church’s response to the cry of the poor”. The Australian Catholics Bishops Conference (ACBC) responded through The Australian Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life chairman Bishop Terence Brady encouraging all Catholic communities to be involved and respond to the theme of day: “This poor man cried and the Lord heard him” (Psalm 34:7). For the Pope’s Message, World Day of the Poor, please click here. For Prayers of the Faithful, World Day of the Poor click here; For Mother Teresa Prayer – Who is Jesus to Me, click here. Further info: communications@perthcatholic.org.au