From the Principal – Welcome to 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome to the start of the 2021 academic year. In particular, we welcome new families and staff to our Marist Community. I hope all have enjoyed the family time that Christmas and the extended break bring. Across the world many families are still suffering as a consequence of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the challenges it presents. We have been graced in our own State, moreover our country, by the way in which our leaders have been able to manage this crisis.
Pope Francis in his Fratelli Tutti Encyclical Letter on Fraternity and Social Friendship (#55) says this of hope….“I invite everyone to renewed hope, for hope speaks to us of something deeply rooted in every human heart, independently of our circumstances and historical conditioning.”
It is this hope that we take into our new year at Newman College as we seek to build community and the experiences of our young people.
The gift of our Marist community is our family spirit and that space we create to nurture, support and inspire our children. The vision of St Marcellin Champagnat – that we make Jesus known and loved – is the foundation of our faith and learning community. We are strengthened as a Marist school by our characteristics of Presence, Love of Work, Simplicity, In the Way of Mary and Family Spirit. These characteristics drive the cultural elements that shape who we are, what we represent and what we are going to become and, ultimately, the legacy that will define who we are.
In 2021 the College is launching its new Strategic Directions 2021-2023 – Commitment to Excellence. The inspiration for our Strategic Directions 2021-2023 is based on St John Henry Newman’s words:
“To live is to change, to be perfect is to have changed often.”
Our community has undergone significant renewal in the last five years, exemplified by agility and innovation as a PK-12 Community. We have pursued St John Henry Newman’s commitment to academic excellence and critical thinking that is animated through our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through discovery’ – Let your light shine. This Vision inspires our faith and learning community to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate who we are and what we seek to achieve.
Our Strategic Directions – a Commitment to Excellence – will set the tone for our year. We are a great school and our goal is that every child continues to strive to do their best in all endeavours. Our cultural imperative is to create a space for our students to flourish individually and collectively.
This Plan will be launched in Term 1.
College Expectations
In 2021, we will continue to grow our Vision for Learning – Shine through discovery Let your light shine (Mat 5:16). It is my hope that all students at Newman College are able to set clear and achievable goals that will allow them to be challenged as learners and to succeed in their endeavours. To achieve individual success, it is the responsibility of each student to take ownership of their learning and to seek support from their teachers. Across the College, our Leaders of Wellbeing, Leaders of Learning, Co-ordinators and Teachers are committed to supporting each individual student and year group collectively. Critical to each student’s ongoing success will be the collaboration with families in adhering to expectations. To that end, each leader of wellbeing will be writing to families this week outlining the expectations for each student as a member of the College community. As a whole community, our collective commitment to growing our culture of excellence in all facets of College life will ensure a successful, engaged learning experience for our students.
In 2021 I am pleased to inform you that we have reframed our grooming expectations reflecting the voice of our students. Our expectation is that these standards are adhered to across the life of the school.
2021 College Leadership and New and Returning Staff
Outlined below are the members of the 2021 College Leadership Team:
John Finneran: Principal (Executive)
Lucie McCrory: Vice Principal (Executive)
Steve Halley-Wright: Director Finance and Administration (Executive)
Thomas Wagner: Director Operations and Engagement (Executive)
Carla Pastorelli: Deputy Principal Secondary
Simon Martino: Director Mission and Catholic Identity
Lisa McClue: Leader of Early Childhood
Stuart McClorey: Leader of Primary
Bernie Roberts: PK-12 Curriculum Coordinator
Our Positions of Responsibility can be found by clicking here.
Marian Campus, PK-Year 2
In Early Childhood, Leader of Early Childhood Lisa McClue will be the initial contact person for all matters pertaining to the Marian Campus and will be supported by Katya Anderson, Leader of Learning.
Lavalla Campus, Years 3-6
The day to day leadership and contacts will be distributed to the following team:
- Stuart McClorey, Leader of Wellbeing
- Renae Zelich, Leader of Learning
- Jane Short, Religious Education Coordinator
Marcellin Campus, Years 7-12
Pastoral care teachers are the daily point of contact for students and families. leaders of wellbeing and leaders of learning, together with Deputy Principal Secondary, Carla Pastorelli, will manage and coordinate the Marcellin Campus.
New Staff
Please click here to view staff new to Newman College.
Staff Returning to the College
Please click here to view staff who have been on leave and are returning this Term.
I thank all parents and guardians as they prepare their children for the return to school. We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Monday and Tuesday next week and seeing families at the forthcoming Family Mass on Thursday 11 February.
John Finneran