Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Mission and Catholic Identity
Year 12 Retreat
During this important time of quiet reflection and time away from the usual school routines whilst on Retreat, the Year 12 students had an opportunity to seriously reflect upon their lives. Several aspects of personal growth and awareness were considered such as self-esteem, relationships and responsibilities, as well as developing a broader sense of community. While on Retreat students had opportunities to explore and deepen their spirituality and faith experiences through small group sharing, reflective prayer and celebrating the Eucharist.
Student Reflections
“This retreat has been a valuable experience to me as you get to hang out more with people you didn’t realise you would get along with so much, while still having the time to be with your mates too”.
“I came to Year 12 Retreat with the intention of just relaxing for a few days and to get away from schoolwork, but I ended up being able to really open up and get so much more out of it than I expected”.
“Year 12 Retreat encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and get a richer understanding of my year group, it was an amazing experience”.
“Year 12 Retreat was an excellent experience, where I was able to bond with my friends and affirm the great qualities about each other”.
“Year 12 Retreat was a great experience, not only did I bond with many of my friends, but made new friends too. I also found that the Retreat was a place to lay back and just enjoy the trip”.
“Year 12 Retreat was a really nice experience, we got to get to know people you may not know very well and have a lot of fun”.
“I really loved being a part of the Year 12 Retreat. It was so nice bonding with people you don’t usually bond with and was a real eye opening and heart warming experience. I’ll never forget the fun I had and the things I learned on Year 12 Retreat”.
“Year 12 Retreat has opened our eyes into the individual lives of others and allowed us to grow closer together and understand the importance of loving and caring for one another”.
2019 Project Compassion Launch
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (Wednesday 6 March) in Week 5. This is also the day that Caritas launch their annual fundraising and awareness appeal – Project Compassion. Project Compassion brings together millions of Australians in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year’s Project Compassion theme is: GIVE LENT 100%. Each week of Lent, Caritas profiles a person who is involved in a Caritas project and always gives 100%. Click here to view these stories.
We encourage families to watch the videos and discuss them as a family. Students on all three campuses will have the opportunity to learn more about Project Compassion and the work of Caritas. They will also be encouraged to think of creative ways in their classes and PCGs to fundraise for Project Compassion.
Shrove Tuesday
To celebrate Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday 5 March), the Marian, Lavalla and Marcellin Campuses will be selling pancakes to students in support of Project Compassion.
- Marian students: Students are asked to bring in a gold coin donation as all students will receive a pancake. The College cannot provide for students with allergies, however you are welcome to send them with a pancake of their own if you wish.
- Lavalla students: Pancakes will be sold for a gold coin donation between 8.00am – 8.30am outside the canteen.
- Marcellin students: Pancakes will be sold for $2 each between 8.00am – 8.30am outside the canteen.
Blue and Gold Embarkation Camps
On Friday 15 February, the Blue and Gold Caravels attended their 3-day Remar Embarkation Camps at Serpentine Camping Centre. The program focused on peer support, role modelling and community formation. Click here to read a number of student reflections from the camps.
Sacrament Reminder
Families are reminded to visit their relevant parish website for all information regarding 2019 Sacrament dates and registration. Alternatively please click here to access parish website addresses via the College website. The enrolment dates vary, so please take the time to clearly understand the process for your parish. Students in Years 3, 4 and 6 will undertake the preparatory work in class so they are able to receive the Sacrament in their local parish.
Floreat Youth Group
Thanks so much to everyone who came down to Floreat last Sunday night! We had an awesome time playing games on the oval and hearing an interactive talk about the young Jesus! Next week we’ll be continuing the story and hearing about his ministry and life as an adult as well as playing some puzzle games that will really get you thinking. Youth Group is open to all students in Years 6-12, taking place every Sunday from 6.00pm – 8.00pm at St Cecilia’s Parish Centre, 47 Peebles Road, Floreat. Call Sebastian on 0403230395 or Emma on 0412310019 for more information.
Slavery-free Easter Chocolate
Pope Francis said that “every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic – act.” Click here to watch the Pope’s video.
Cocoa is a key ingredient of chocolate and many children in West Africa are enslaved to pick the cocoa beans. They will never taste the delicious chocolate their slavery helps produce. Buy only slavery-free chocolate to ensure no enslaved children were involved in the production.
To buy slavery-free Easter chocolate look for any of these three certification symbols on the wrappers: FAIRTRADE, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ. It’s delicious and you can buy it at ALDI, Haigh’s, Oxfam and other leading supermarkets and shops.
Late in 2018 the Federal Government passed the Modern Slavery Act, which will ask big companies to report on their efforts to introduce slavery-free goods and services.
Click here for information and resources.