Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Leader of Mission and Catholic Identity
“Transmitting the faith is done at home, because faith is always transmitted in dialogue, dialogue within the family, at home, in the climate of the home. This is your task: to transmit the faith with your example” – Pope Francis
Year 12 Retreat
This week, the Year 12 students had the opportunity to reflect on who they are and where they are going in 2020. This time of quiet reflection allowed students to ponder what is important in their lives and consider the question from our Marist Theme ‘what will you do with your one wild and precious life’. Students also had a number of opportunities to explore and deepen their spirituality and faith experiences through small group sharing, reflective prayer and celebrating the Eucharist. The experience has led to a greater sense of community and a recognition of the dignity of each student in the cohort. The group is to be congratulated on the way they were prepared to be open and trusting of the possibilities presented in this unique time away.
Lent began with Ash Wednesday (26 February) in Week 4. This is a significant day in our Christian calendar as it marks the 40-day period of almsgiving, fasting and prayer in preparation for the coming of Christ at Easter. We celebrated this liturgy across all campuses and our Year 12’s came together during their retreat to reflect on how we can prepare for the Easter story.
Shrove Tuesday
To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, pancakes were sold at both the Lavalla and Marcellin Campuses, while Marian students made pancakes with their classroom teachers. All students were invited to make a gold coin donation and these funds were in support of Project Compassion.
2020 Project Compassion
Project Compassion Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising and awareness appeal was launched at Newman College on Ash Wednesday. Project Compassion brings together millions of Australians in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year’s Project Compassion theme is: GO FURTHER, TOGETHER! Each week of Lent, Caritas profiles a person who is involved in a Caritas project and always gives 100%. These stories can be found here. We encourage families to watch the videos and discuss them as a family. Students on all three campuses will have the opportunity to learn about Project Compassion and the work of Caritas. They will also be encouraged to come up with creative ways in their classes and PCGs to fundraise for Project Compassion.
In support of the Archdiocesan Launch for Project Compassion, representatives from Years 6 to 11 joined 43 Perth schools at Sacred Heart College. They participated in Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, the celebration of Holy Mass by Bishop Justin Bianchini, a pancake morning tea and a Just Leadership workshop supporting Caritas Australia’s mission to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Caritas Fast
This year, in support of Project Compassion, students on the Marcellin Campus are invited to participate in the Caritas Fast to be held on Wednesday 11 March (Week 6). Families can access information about the event by clicking here.
Year 7 Retreat Day
Year 7 students had the opportunity to continue to develop their friendships and grow in understanding of themselves as they embarked on their retreat day. The day was facilitated by the 24:7 Youth Ministry Team who provided thought provoking reflections that challenged students to step outside their comfort zones. This formation experience is part of our commitment to a holistic education for our students and help them become the best version of themselves.
A commitment to Slavery Free Chocolate
In 2020, Newman College has committed to using slavery free chocolate during Project Compassion.
By being responsible about the products we buy and use for fundraising, we are ensuring that we are not contributing to the multi-billion dollar trade that exploits human beings through the slave trade. Pope Francis said that “every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic – act.”
We cannot, in good conscious, raise money for projects that work to uphold the dignity of the human person, and at the same time, buy products that deny people their dignity.
As such, staff, students and families will be asked to buy chocolates that have one of the following three logos on their wrappers:
Some of the places people can buy slavery-free chocolate from:
- Coles / Woolworths
- Chocolatier – one of the early slavery-free makers in Australia
- Green and Black’s
- Whittaker’s
Sacrament Reminder
Families are reminded to visit their relevant parish website for all information regarding 2020 Sacrament dates and registration. The enrolment dates vary, so please take the time to clearly understand the process for your parish. Students in Years 3, 4 and 6 will undertake preparatory work in class so they are able to receive the Sacrament in their local parish.