Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Vice Principal
Thank you to all parents and care givers for their attendance, support and presence at all our Parent Information Evenings over the last three weeks. This is an important opportunity to connect with the College Leadership Team and teaching staff.
Parent Teacher Interviews are another opportunity for collaboration and partnership. This term, families with children in Years 7, 11 and 12 will be invited to meet with teachers to discuss the learning journey of their children. Information regarding these evenings will come from the Leaders of Wellbeing and appointments can be made using PTO (Parent Teacher Online).
Other year groups will have the same opportunity over the course of the year.
Newman Parents – A Night with Dr Justin Coulson
The College is welcoming back Dr Justin Coulson one of Australia’s most respected and popular Positive Psychology & relationships speaker, facilitator, author, and researcher (particularly in family life). The topic he will be presenting is:
Inside the Mind; Raising an emotionally intelligent Child
In this session, Dr Coulson will share his expertise and equip parents to become more emotionally intelligent when it comes to their child.
Sometimes we just don’t relate to our children. It’s like they came from another parent. Did we really conceive, birth, and raise this child? It can be so hard to understand our children.
Inside the mind – Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child is a presentation for parents to get to the heart of parenting. Or, more specifically, it’s to help parents get to their children’s hearts.
How do we really understand our child? What is really happening inside their mind?
This powerful presentation will change the way you communicate with your child.
See a short intro video by Dr Coulson with more information about the session The presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session.
When: Wednesday 18 March, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Where: Newman College Auditorium, 216 Empire Avenue Churchlands
This FREE session is for parents only. We hope that parents will use the information they learn to better educate themselves.
2020 Pupil Free Days
Term 1 | Monday 2 March | Labour Day – Public Holiday |
Friday 6 March | Year 7 Pupil Free Day (after Year 7 Camp) | |
Friday 10 April | Good Friday – Public Holiday | |
Term 2 | Monday 27 April | Anzac Day – Public Holiday |
Term 3 | Monday 20 July | Pupil Free – Staff Faith Formation Day |
Tuesday 21 July | Pupil Free – K-12 Parent/Teacher Interviews | |
Friday 14 August | Pupil Free – Staff PL Day | |
Monday 17 August | Pupil Free – CEWA Faith Day (College Closed) | |
Term 4 | Monday 12 October | Pupil Free – Staff PL Day |
Please find attached an information pamphlet from ACARA regarding NAPLAN Online for 2020. These assessments are scheduled at Newman College in Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4, Tuesday 12 May – Friday 22 May. A schedule will be sent out early in Term 2.
Download NAPLAN Online 2020 Parent Information Brochure
All Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will sit the NAPLAN Online.
Parent Teacher Communication Protocols
At Newman College, all teachers have made a commitment that any formal summative assessments are marked and shared with students and parents no later than within two weeks. Teachers from Marian and Lavalla Campuses utilise Seesaw to provide parents with feedback as well as returning marked work samples to students. On Marcellin Campus, the marks are released on SEQTA within this two-week time frame and assessments are returned to students. Feedback from class activities and daily lessons are presented to students in a variety of different forms and all families can expect feedback for learning regularly across the term. Timely feedback is vital in the learning cycle for all students.The College expects that teachers will respond to email communication within two working days. Teachers are not able to respond within one day as they are teaching classes, marking assessments, planning lessons, on yard duty or taking co-curricular activities. I ask parents to accept these timelines as reasonable turnaround times in the busyness of College life. If there is an urgent matter that needs to be acknowledged, a phone call to the Leader of Wellbeing may be the most appropriate avenue.Primary families are asked to communicate with their classroom teacher via email.
Parent Student Communication Protocols
Parents and carers are reminded that if students need to contact home, or a message from home needs to reach a student, Administration staff can facilitate a phone call or relay any messages and information. Students should not be contacting parents during the day, especially if they are unwell or wanting to leave the College.Primary parents must not use messaging functions via the iPad to communicate with their children. This disrupts their learning and does not reflect responsible management of student devices during school time
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.