Newman News Term 2 Week 6: From the Vice Principal
Covid-19 Update
Thank you to all families for their support as we work towards reinstating sport, arts events and other co-curricular opportunities with careful consideration and due diligence. The College calendar will be updated as events are confirmed. Please note, there are still restrictions on large group gatherings (for example, assemblies) and interschool opportunities.
If you are concerned about your own family situation, you are invited to contact Lisa Fogliani, Vice Principal for additional clarity and advice
If Students are Unwell
The College asks that students who are presenting with a fever or flu like symptoms stay at home until their symptoms are clear. It is the responsibility of all families to ensure they support the wider College community.
Parents and Caregivers
From Monday 8 June, parents and caregivers are allowed onto school grounds to drop off and collect their children. To ensure the 2 metre rule is adhered to, parents are asked not to enter classrooms at the beginning or end of the school day.
NPCC Meeting – Monday 8 June
With restrictions lifted, we are so pleased to welcome parents to our first NPCC meeting for the year, on Monday 8 June at 7.00pm in the Champagnat Chapel Ministry Space. The agenda will cover:
- Intro Parent NPCC Executive
- Capital Development – Learning Hub Update
- Reporting, Semester 1
- COVID Learnings
- Parent feedback/ Q&A (Please click here to submit your question / concern / feedback)
The NPCC meetings, convened by the Principal, and attended by various members of the College Leadership Team, is a representative group, voice and forum to gain insight into our school improvement plan and to discuss school concerns. The NPCC serves to help advance the best interests of those within our College Community. Whilst policy is determined and set by the College Executive and supported by the Advisory Council, the NPCC is a critically important group in providing input and feedback.
Mrs Amy Raveendrakumar, Arts Specialist Teacher on the Lavalla Campus, commenced parental leave this week. We warmly welcome Mrs Laura Talbott to the role for the remainder of the 2020 school year.
Mrs Jenny Miraudo, Leader of Learning English on the Marcellin Campus, has also commenced parental leave. Mrs Narelle Cochran and Mrs Amanda Mariotti have been appointed to the Leader of Learning role and will share this responsibility.
All the very best to Mrs Raveendrakumar and Mrs Miraudo as they prepare for this special time.
To ensure student progress is fair, valid and supported by evidence, the College has adapted its reporting protocols for Semester 1 2020 in response to the disruption caused by our COVID-19 response. We recognise there has been variation in the disruption experienced between students, and the validity of assessment across developmental age groups.
Our reporting expectations are aligned to directives provided by both CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia) and SCSA (School Curriculum Standards Authority). It is very important to note, student achievement is based on judging standards that articulate student achievement at the end of the school year.
We believe these minor changes to the Semester 1 reports ensures that:
- Students are fairly assessed
- The professional judgement of the teacher can be supported by evidence, and
- Parents and students are given accurate ‘point in time’ feedback
Marian Campus (Pre Primary – Year 2)
Student achievement in Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Physical Education, Arts and Italian will be reported on using a three-point scale (Above Expectation, At Expectation and Below Expectation). Teachers will provide a written comment and provide feedback on the personal and social development of students.
Kindy reports will formatively assess and provide feedback on the five outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework. The five areas are Identity, Connecting and Contributing, Wellbeing, Learning and Thinking, and Communicating.
Lavalla Campus (Years 3-6)
Student achievement in all learning areas will be reported on using a three-point scale (Above Expectation, At Expectation and Below Expectation). Teachers will provide a written comment and provide feedback on the personal and social development of students.
Marcellin Campus (Years 7-12)
Secondary students will receive a grade that aligns to the judging standards as described in the Australian Curriculum. Learning attributes that reflect our Vision for Learning will serve as formative feedback for parents.
Student marks per assessment item are available on SEQTA. It is important to note the student assessment program has been modified to navigate our remote learning response. Years 11 and 12 exam marks can also be accessed on SEQTA.
Pastoral Care Teachers will also provide a report that reflects student engagement in College and wellbeing activities.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
Teaching staff across the College participated in professional learning to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with a Disability. This ensures that all students have access to a quality learning experience at school and teachers can provide adjustments for students based on professional judgement, together with medical and professional diagnoses. I extend my thanks to Mrs Allison McCartan, Leader of Learning Diversity, and the Diverse Learning Team for supporting staff in understanding this important resource and process.
Click here to access a resource for parents.
Parent Teacher Interviews – Term 3
The College will host Parent Teacher Interviews for all students K-12 (except Year 7) on Tuesday 21 July from 10.00am – 7.00pm. With restrictions lifting we are pleased to give parents the option to meet with their child’s teacher at the College.
Parent Teacher Online (PTO) details and details of locations, timing and ‘Covid Safe’ protocols will be shared with families before the end of Term.
For families on the Marcellin Campus please note that Year 10 students, together with their parents, will meet for a course counselling interview BEFORE the end of Term.
We are very mindful that secondary teachers teach more students than available time slots for interviews and as such, priority will be given for students in Years 11 and 12. We hope that student results and comments available to families on SEQTA, together with the Semester 1 report will give parents a level of feedback and academic progress information.
Year 7 families will have an opportunity to meet teachers on Thursday 30 July, from 3.30pm – 7.00pm in the Marist Auditorium.
Term 3 Pupil Free Days- Save the Dates
The following dates have been calendared for staff professional learning and parent engagement opportunities.
- Monday 20 July – Staff Faith Formation Day
- Tuesday 21 July – Parent Teacher Interviews
- Friday 14 August – Staff Wellbeing Conference
- Monday 17 August – COLLEGE CLOSED
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers, and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.
Parent Facebook Groups
A reminder to parents that are members of the Parent Facebook groups that there are a Terms of Reference for the groups so that the intent of the group is understood by all parents. If you have concerns about College decisions and processes, teaching or learning, I strongly encourage you to direct your concern to your child’s Leader of Wellbeing or classroom teacher. Ensuring the parent community is accurately informed is important to us and College staff are best placed to resolve any queries.