Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Principal
Welcome Back
Welcome back to the start of Term 3 and Semester 2. I hope all students had a restful break and families found the time to enjoy one another’s company. The term has begun well, and we were pleased to host Parent-Teacher interviews before the first school day, providing further feedback to parents regarding their children’s progress over the first half of the academic year.
College Life
As I scan the upcoming events for the term, I note that they strongly support Shine through Discovery and our Marist characteristics. The Catholic Performing Arts Festival has begun and we have 245 students participating in this event, showcasing their talents and skills. I wish them all the best for upcoming performances and congratulate them for following their passions in the Arts.
On Wednesday evening, staff joined the Year 11 students for the Dinner Dance at Wembley Golf Course. The students enjoyed one another’s company and embraced the evening as a celebration and opportunity to continue forging their identity as the Class of 2024.
This Sunday, Mr Stuart McClorey and Mrs Jane Short will accompany a group of Year 6 students to a special event being hosted by Archbishop Costelloe at St Mary’s Cathedral. Students will participate in the opening of an art installation which has been made from the collages students across W.A. made in the lead up the LifeLink Appeal last term. This is a great opportunity for these students to proudly represent the College, and to see their hard work on permanent display for everyone to see.
Three more upcoming events speak strongly to our expression of faith and presence. Next week, students from Year 6 to 12 will experience the Winter Sleepout in solidarity for all in Perth who live without the certainty of a warm and safe home. The third Marist Connect evening will bring together Year 11 and 12 students from Newman, St Joseph’s Northam and Bunbury Catholic College to spend some time together in reflection and fellowship as they explore the theme of future choices. Additionally, mid-way through the term, our Year 11 Gamechangers students will venture to Mullewa for their immersion experience, where they will be supporting the local community and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School in the lead up to the Mullewa show.
Primary Build
In recent weeks, the activity on the new build site for our Primary school has ramped up. Over the holiday break, the College warmly welcomed Rocky Slater WA State Manager of BADGE Construction; College architect Stuart Preston of Munns Sly Moore, and Mark Irwin Mayor of the City of Stirling, to participate in a ceremonial ‘turning of the sod’. We were all excited to ‘break ground’ on what is set to be an incredible project for the College for years to come.
The construction is now underway, and we will keep the community briefed with its progress.
3rd World Grandparents and the Elderly Celebration
In last Sunday’s Mass, parishes joined in celebration and gratitude for Pope Francis’ World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. The celebration aligns with the liturgical recognition of
St Joachim and St Anne. The day shines a light on the invaluable role of grandparents and the elderly in society and reminds us of the invaluable benefit there is in embracing their wisdom and knowledge. Pope Francis invited us to pray this prayer and I share it with you:
Prayer and Blessing for Grandparents and the Elderly
All-powerful and ever-living God,
in whom we live and move and have our being,
we thank you and praise you for giving these members of our community long years,
lived in faith and in doing good.
Grant that they may have the loving support of their friends and relatives,
that in good health they may be cheerful.
And in poor hope not to lose hope.
Sustained by the help of your blessing,
let them spend their old age giving praise to your name.
Through Christ our Lord.
Andrew Watson