Teaching & Learning – Term 2 Week 4

At Newman College, we are committed to continual school improvement and are using the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER) School Improvement Tool as our framework to achieve this. The School Improvement Tool contains 9 interrelated domains and identifies practices of highly effective schools.  A Foundational Doman: Catholic Identity and Marist Spirituality is currently being drafted in recognition of our Marist identity. Newman College recognises that the charism of Saint Marcellin Champagnat is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the Church, for the mission of the Church. We are deeply committed to the provision of high-quality Catholic education through which learning outcomes for all students reflect an awareness of individual gifts, interests, aspirations and achievements. This week, teachers from PK – 12 came together to articulate Newman College’s Marist identity, reflect on our effectiveness, and discuss how we can improve in this domain.  

Some aspects of Catholic identity and Marist spirituality at Newman College identified by teachers include: 

  • Presence of our Marist Brothers on-site.  
  • Family and Community Masses.  
  • Champagnat Day.  
  • Marist characteristics of presence, love of work, family spirit, simplicity and way of Mary are embedded in all aspects of school life  
  • Maintaining alumni connections, including the newsletter’s ‘Newman Being’ segment.   
  • Celebration of St John Henry Newman and St Marcellin Champagnat.   
  • Easter and Christmas Liturgies. 
  • Ministry and youth advocacy programs including Gamechangers and immersion opportunities, including Mullewa and Philippines. 
  • Regular events held by the Marist Association of Marcellin Champagnat, including the annual Marian Lecture.  
  • Retreats. 
  • Time allocation for staff faith formation experiences and commitment to accreditation.  

We look forward to working with Marist Schools Australia to refine the Foundational Domain as we strive to animate St Marcellin Champagnat’s vision to make Jesus Christ known and loved.