Welcome to 2022 – From the Principal
The cultivation of relationships underpins our faith and learning experience at Newman College. Our collaboration as a school, with students and families, is growing our culture of excellence and the engagement of our students in their experience of learning. The advent of COVID-19 has caused a significant disruption to the world requiring us to consider how we respond individually and collectively as a community.
Pope Francis in his Christmas Message Urbi et Orbi (to the city, Rome, and the world : to everyone) reminds us that we cannot grow tired and withdraw from society or lose sight, as it is in our relationships where we encounter others. He says:
“Our capacity for social relationships is sorely tried; there is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together,” ….

As we commence 2022 it will be our commitment to each other and our capacity to collaborate and build our family spirit that will be the mark of our success. Our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through Discovery’ – let your light shine (Matthew 5:16) invites us to create a learning experience that supports our young people to become their best selves; passionate, articulate, faith filled and hopeful.
To do this, I challenge each of us to actively consider the other person, to be actively present and commit to a culture of excellence.
I recognise the difficulties and uncertainties that everyone will face in the coming months. It is our hope that our College community will be a place of support for families. Our ongoing collaboration, underpinned by our family spirit, will be more important than ever in the year ahead.

As advised to the College community in December last year, Newman College has exited the Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) system as a result of Marist Schools Australia Limited (MSA Ltd) streamlining its governance structures as a school governing body under the WA Education Act. As part of this change, MSA Ltd has worked closely with CEWA in the transition and to clarify its responsibility as a governing authority and proprietor of Newman College. CEWA will continue to provide ongoing Religious Education support. The letter I refer to above can be accessed by clicking here.

On Thursday all families would have received a letter regarding the start of the year which includes updated COVID-19 guidelines to schools from the WA Government. Please click here to view.

School Improvement – A Culture of Excellence
Our 2022 Annual School Improvement Plan will set the tone for our year for School Improvement. Our goal is that every child continues to strive to do their best in all endeavours and our cultural imperative is to create a space for our students to flourish individually and collectively.
A key strategic priority is growing our culture of excellence that imbues our faith and learning community. This includes the high expectations that we set for ourselves not only in what we say but in what we do. In 2022 our College staff will focus on building teacher quality and developing the leadership within our school. For students, setting goals and committing to our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through Discovery – let your light shine‘ (Matthew 5:16) and performing to the best of their ability, is an imperative. To that end, I encourage each student to challenge themselves in their learning and in how they form relationships with their teachers and each other. Critical to this will be the application of our Newman Norms that seeks to provide an alignment of our College’s expectations and standards.
Significant to our Annual School Improvement Plan 2022 is the introduction of Sustainability of the Environment which will be owned not just by our staff but by through the leadership of our students.

Capital Works
Significant work has been undertaken across the College over the extended holiday period. Most notably is the piping of the open drain through a large section of the College site, between the Lavalla and Marcellin Campuses. Please click here to view a report on the works carried out.
The consolidation of our PK-6 campus is progressing well, notwithstanding the challenges that have emerged with the WA border restrictions and the impact on the construction industry. There will be disruption and delays over the coming 18 months and we will communicate changes with families as they arise. The final design will be available for viewing in Term 1.
2022 College Leadership and New and Returning Staff
A new organisational chart has been developed as a result of immediate and impending change to the leadership structure. The following staff make up the College’s Senior Leadership Team:
- John Finneran Principal
- Lucie McCrory Vice Principal
- Steve Halley-Wright Director Finance and Administration
- Thomas Wagner Director Operations and Engagement
- Simon Martino Director Mission and Catholic Identity
- Carla Pastorelli Deputy Principal Secondary
- Lisa McClue Deputy Principal Primary
- Bernie Roberts Director Curriculum Administration PK-12
- Jenny Miraudo Director Transformational Learning
To view the list of new staff starting this year, please click here.
I thank all parents and guardians as they prepare their children for the return to school and we look forward to welcoming all students on Monday and Tuesday next week.
John Finneran